Making your institution stand out requires more than just increasing your ad spend, remaining active on social media and implementing a long-term SEO strategy. Now more than ever, you need to demonstrate the value of your institution to your prospective students. It’s imperative to create content that helps students make smart decisions for their future.
How can you demonstrate your value in a world of increasing uncertainty?
One of the most effective ways to engage with students is to embrace virtual tours. These useful tools go beyond the panoramic images of campus facilities that most UK universities have already had published on their websites for years.
Consider hosting virtual open days and tours, where students can interact with academics and educators as well as view the facilities you offer in real-time.
According to WorkCast, a popular virtual tour hosting platform, virtual tours can be beneficial in more ways than one. Its statistics suggest that:
- You can increase open day attendance rates by up to 75% by hosting them online
- As many as 90% of university applicants prefer to engage online before visiting a campus
- People are more likely to ask questions at a virtual event
- It’s likely that people consume more content when they have the option to download information, speak in real-time with staff and view your facilities via live video
By embracing virtual tours, you can extend your reach, personalise your marketing strategy, demonstrate your value to students, and analyse a range of data points to optimise your future campaigns. Virtual events are also cost-effective, often eliminating the need to hire venues and pay for catering.